Selfmade Werkzeug

(Aus dem BMW-FORUM von Sjeuf12)

Hi all,
I would like to start a new thread; it's raining so can't go out and play. Also we are waiting here for president Bush to arrive and the local authorities closed down all the roads here for that happy occassion... The idea of the thread is to give some ideas and pictures of home made tools, used in the restoration of our bikes. The tools must be simple; in general a piece of metal, a dril, a saw, a file and a welding machine should be sufficient to create it. I'll start with an overview picture on what I have made over the years.

Anyone have nice things to add?

an example of a very simple one. This advanced piece of equipment is used as a puller for the cam-shaft. The M8 bolt goes in the front of the cam-shaft The metal piece lays flat on the engine casing. Haven't got a picture of this magnificent piece in action; The cam-shaft is already in the engine...


In the same series simple&brown
The "Haken Schluessel" to tighten the exhaust nut and the tool to loosen the bolts of the rear swing. Again, made from a piece of metal, using only a saw and a file. In the case of the Hacken Schlussel, I could compete with the current governor of California in a biceps contest after I was done filing... These tools were made some 25 or so years ago when I was still a student and didn't want / didn't have money to spend on expensive tools.

Nachtrag Karl:
Tip: Man kann auch einen alten, grossen Gabelschlüssel nehmen, eine Backe abflexen (sieht dann so ähnlich aus wie das untere Teil auf dem Bild). Dann bohrt man ein Loch hinein, steckt das untere Ende eines alten Bohrers hindurch, schweisst ihn fest und flext den Überstehenden Teil des Bohrers ab. Das ist eine "5-Min-Notlösung-Werkzeug".

Next in my tool series, my all-time favorite; CD-player
Didn't even need a saw or file to create it...

CD-player is a tool used to check the settings of the timing chain on the cam-shaft. There is also an entry with pdf files on that tool in the following thread


one more in the simple&brown series

This time the flywheel puller. The only problem with this one was finding the special threaded bolts as used on the R26. (I believe R25 and older has standard metric R26/27 used fine metric)
I found these in a car-twin (700cc) engine.

The second picture also shows two new-comers in the simple&brown series; the flywheel blockers But I have another entry for those.


The last tools in the simple&brown series; the flywheel blockers

These are used on multiple occassions; pulling the flywheel, mounting the flywheel and mounting the clutch.

Again, only metal, saw,file and welding machine..


almost forgot one in the simple&brown series...the engine/gearbox stand

With this attached to gearbox or engine casing you can mount the object to work on stable in a vice.
The bottom part is made of a one inch pipe so you can fix the gearbox or engine in any possible angle in the vice.


another one in the series simple&brown.
But this one is made of alluminum, so it can never be the correct color

This tool is made from an old gearbox cover.
The bearing seat is sanded out with sand paper so the bearing slides in easily (no crimp fit)
The tool is used to set-up the final-drive-shaft and gear selectors

Again, no special tools are needed to make this; only saw, file and sandpaper in this case.


Rütz: ...ich habe sogar ein paar Werkzeuge in "verysimple & lightbrown" (Holz!) .
Das Werkzeug zum Getriebe justieren (Antwort #11) sieht z.B. so aus:

The last in my series

as Oerlov mentioned before, the front-fork spring dissassembly tool for R26/27. also one in the category simple&brown. Well, now let's see if someone has anything nice to add

Perhaps a bit off-topic since it is not a specific tool for a single. I only added it to give an idea that a tool doesn't have to be expensive

This one is used when adjusting carburetors on a twin, provided they have a vaccuum connection (mine always have ). The regular of the shelf vaccuum gauges would be 50 or more euro's (95 euro at Wuedo's)

It's a home made vaccuum measurement device. The tubes come from the local pet-shop (aquarium tubing) and they are filled with regular motor-oil. Absolute vaccuum measurement is not needed when setting up these carburators, only equal vaccuum is important. The dial gauge as on mine is useless and for fun and giggles only. If a dial gauge is used, an oil-dampned type should be used. (mine isn't)


Sandstrahlkabine leicht gemacht:

von Markus Bittcher

Ich habe mir zwei große Kunststoff-Kübel (zum Zement anmischen) aus dem Baumarkt (4 Eur pro Stück) besorgt und mir daraus eine kleine Strahlkabine gebaut. Ist aber nur für alle Teile bis Tankgröße geeignet. Und meine zwei 220 Liter Baumarkt-Kompressoren laufen beim Strahlen ununterbrochen. Aber es geht! [...]

Die beiden Kompressoren gehen in eine Leitung. Ich habe eine alte Gasflasche als Luftakku umfunktioniert; die benutze ich als Puffer/Sammler. Fotos siehe unten.
Das Fenster von dem Strahlfass ist von einem alten 500 Watt Halogenstrahler, die Arme sind Hosenbeine von einer Jeans. Beleuchtung ist eine Feuchtraum-Leuchte. Die Füße sind Fragmente von Mutters alter Wäschespinne (von ihr stammt auch die Nudel-Seihe als Kleinteile-Auffang-Netz ). Den Boden des unteren Bottichs habe ich strahlenförmig eingeschnitten (geht übrigens mit einem Teppichmesser prima!) und die Enden an der Seihe festgepoppt. Die Spalten mit Klebeband abgedichtet. So entstand der Trichter. Verbesserungswürdig ist noch das Gitter als Teileauflage; da habe ich bisher noch kein brauchbares Lochblech gefunden, was nix kostet.

ich strahle übrigens mit Quarzsand.
